October might be our favorite month and not for the typical reasons of the air getting cooler, pumpkin spice lattes readily available, or fall decor at every turn. October is National Women's Small Business month and the anniversary of the start of Realm Design Co.! We're very candid about the challenges + exciting moments brought by running a small business, and we truly wouldn't change it for the world. I wanted to highlight some of our favorite women in the small business world that have really inspired us over the years to keep working and improving Realm.
Jenna was very likely one of the first resources I personally couldn't listen to enough when we started Realm. I remember clearly working the cleaning shifts at In-N-Out Burger at 5am listening to podcasts by her to keep moving forward while we got our feet off the ground. She not only inspires business wise, but also as a mom. She's very intentional about being present in her kids' lives and since that is a huge core value for Hannah and myself as well, it's very inspiring to see her succeeding in that space.
Amy is also a very successful business owner in the course creation space. We were fortunate enough to meet her when designing her home office space a few years back and she is as authentic as they come. She helps other small businesses create online courses to create that flexibility and ownership of your time and life.
Founder of the Lifestyled Co., Kristen started with a blog, turned full service interior design firm, and now full retail shop. Kristen has been inspirational to watch over the years grow into a full brand that I absolutely love to follow. They're creative and find new and unique ways to lay tile or place furniture that gives them a really rad edge.
There are so many others that we love and gain inspiration from everyday, but these three women really have been present in our growing business lives the last 6 years. I love to see the new ideas and hear fresh ways to keep improving our business.
We'll be raising a glass this weekend to celebrate year 6 of Realm Design Co. and all that has been accomplished thus far, we love dreaming and look forward to what the next 6+ years bring for us!